Monday, May 23, 2011


this day i suddenly think dou something jor...after today school....
2day hor,after recess i n a hui walk back class,xin ru yeeyu go binding the project jor..
in half way pass koperasi,i feel gt something under my leg...
i suddenly scard....scard if tat is a xiao qiang~~~
because last time i wash school shoes gt something likexiao qiang swim out~~~
but is die liao de~~~

then i ask a hui if tat is tat geli de animal,how?
a hui call me take off my shoes and see ~
then i take off!!!!! every new shoes also gt de things bt the different is...
its plastic is broke liao~~~~~~~~~~~
scard me><'''''

then when i seeeing tis blog i suddenly think dou....
xin ru tat suipo's chewing gum~/.\
yow throw so high let me can't see the things and tat like so scard emotion tell me
then i shout,pui yen also shout~~~
but hor her shout de meaning n i shout de meaning nt same~
she say a sentences let me feel gt some zha dou de
everyone laugh me then i say pui yen also shout....
then she say:"i'm nt scard."
then i ask her::why u shout?"
she say:"是你突然叫,给你吓倒,就跟着叫~"
then i dun hav things to say liao lor...

like me is the one scard xiao qiang 1~~~
wuuuu...dun know why i always will think dou tis ....
tat wong xin ru ....everytime i say this,she will always say
when she bath finish and come out she had heard adi><
she scard me scold her><
tat time i should trick her....XDXD

but to me,its a sweet memory~~~
because i never scard by friend before.....XDXD
so bad de excuses~~~

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

wesak day

Today is wesak day~every year de this day i will always go佛堂to浴佛~
almost every year i also will go....the most important i go拜拜my lovely公公~
hope he is peace in the sky...^_____^
but this year i almost don't go aready because of the geo project~
because at 3.30 i fall asleep so lazy and tired~
but i also dun wnt my mom go alone lah~so i go adi~
5 o'clock close door ...but thankfully not yet close~
i go 拜拜and wnt my grandfather 保佑me muz take 8A neh~!~~

then i go浴佛~clean the body ~~~
my mom go donate money~~~my mom say donate is better than 抽税~
waste money~~~!~~~
we buy jor many things also~~~muz gt a big big heart to help ppl,right?
help ppl is good,so we buy jor many things also for慈善~
bacause this 佛堂free help person tat gt kidney failure wash their kidney~
because at hospital cost many money~here no need^__^
so i very agree for donate wnt~help people mah~u help me,i help you~
then this is a happy and lovely world .....

is rainning....
beautiful also rain day....
must appreciate what we have now....
and always happy ....
all mui mui...we must love each other long long ah~~
cannot say no de a...
is comfortable and peace day....
and also dunno why,2day got some 感触~~~
love you all~~~~~~^_________^
turn liao gt many luck coming soon...XXD
rainning de杨柳树~~~~



after exam then come out the result~~~
yesterday teacher give us sejarah and chinese's result~~~~
my sejarah 62% only...T^T
last time i 65% B jor.....
hope broke jor~~~

then the chinese 75%
okok lor gt A~~~
1A ,1C....
THIS TIME de exam gt 8 subject 1A 1C liao~~~
i can't think about it the other subject's result~~~
sejarah i so hardworking to read adi~~~~T^T

then yesterday stomach pain dou~~~~
i 1st time know a hui geh leg so comfortable also....XDXD
i go ru sleep...everyone sleep sleep~~~
accept a hui she see EPOP lor....
nt so gt mode yesterday~~~~
tat BM paper 1 also know the result adi><
infront wrong so many....tat find same meaning de wrong also many~~~
don't want think about it aready~~~

Now,just think about my holiday~~~~
go play!!!!~~~~~~~~~
but also wnt do revision~~~~
because TRIAL is coming soon in August~~~
yow say her family plan to go Redang~~~
my mom say maybe at the last holiday in December then we go penang~
but maybe also my aunt will coming soon~~~^_____^
FIND a day we go somewhere together.....^^
meet together ^______^
for relax a bit....^^

Thursday, May 12, 2011

tuition+ celebration~

today go tuition~after 1.10, go back home~ i walk to yow's school go tuition together wif her^^

today nt so hot~~~is windy day....comfortable....

then we go eat 云吞面,a hui say 2.30 come~~~we say many things about ours

one of that is go travel.i say the first station want go THAILAND, my aunt say

tat THAILAND people is nice~~~^^aiya,gt some bie niu i say chinese back~

然后面来了,很有弹性一下~XDD 笨真60年历史哦~





继续吃~~~吃完了就逛the store去,看衣服~~~跑去fitting room拍照去~~~XDDD

















时间很快过了叻,5 点了,邱回家去了~我去中国风,看到很多熊,刚好六种不一样的~


暂时这样坝~post 不完~拜拜~~~~tq~XDD

Saturday, May 7, 2011


i think o almost tis week and next week i also will say the examT^T

today de BM paper2 so hard as well as paper 1~

tat punca let me want die aready~

so i write so many kesan~how how,a hui....hate the paper!~

then i find out that my BM become more bad and bad aready~

i feel that tuition's formula let me can't write properly~

tis is the 1st time i do BM paper until head pain and nervous~

if tis time my result nt so gud,next time,i dun will use the formula again~

we sit far and far away from each other....><

i sit near the window,a huisit under fan(so gud),xin ru sit beside door, yeeyu sit so infront~

bt i think is gud than last time~last time i dun feel so save

but o place so hot lah~sunshine too hardworking jor~~><

be lazy a bit hot~~u know u know???XD

and also these few days go tuition wif yow~we walk and go and also enjoy food together^^

happy~ing~=) dun know why everytime go out wif yow,time pass through so faz><

so...everyone add oil together!!!!~~~ush ush~push oil~XDDD

Monday, May 23, 2011


this day i suddenly think dou something jor...after today school....
2day hor,after recess i n a hui walk back class,xin ru yeeyu go binding the project jor..
in half way pass koperasi,i feel gt something under my leg...
i suddenly scard....scard if tat is a xiao qiang~~~
because last time i wash school shoes gt something likexiao qiang swim out~~~
but is die liao de~~~

then i ask a hui if tat is tat geli de animal,how?
a hui call me take off my shoes and see ~
then i take off!!!!! every new shoes also gt de things bt the different is...
its plastic is broke liao~~~~~~~~~~~
scard me><'''''

then when i seeeing tis blog i suddenly think dou....
xin ru tat suipo's chewing gum~/.\
yow throw so high let me can't see the things and tat like so scard emotion tell me
then i shout,pui yen also shout~~~
but hor her shout de meaning n i shout de meaning nt same~
she say a sentences let me feel gt some zha dou de
everyone laugh me then i say pui yen also shout....
then she say:"i'm nt scard."
then i ask her::why u shout?"
she say:"是你突然叫,给你吓倒,就跟着叫~"
then i dun hav things to say liao lor...

like me is the one scard xiao qiang 1~~~
wuuuu...dun know why i always will think dou tis ....
tat wong xin ru ....everytime i say this,she will always say
when she bath finish and come out she had heard adi><
she scard me scold her><
tat time i should trick her....XDXD

but to me,its a sweet memory~~~
because i never scard by friend before.....XDXD
so bad de excuses~~~

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

wesak day

Today is wesak day~every year de this day i will always go佛堂to浴佛~
almost every year i also will go....the most important i go拜拜my lovely公公~
hope he is peace in the sky...^_____^
but this year i almost don't go aready because of the geo project~
because at 3.30 i fall asleep so lazy and tired~
but i also dun wnt my mom go alone lah~so i go adi~
5 o'clock close door ...but thankfully not yet close~
i go 拜拜and wnt my grandfather 保佑me muz take 8A neh~!~~

then i go浴佛~clean the body ~~~
my mom go donate money~~~my mom say donate is better than 抽税~
waste money~~~!~~~
we buy jor many things also~~~muz gt a big big heart to help ppl,right?
help ppl is good,so we buy jor many things also for慈善~
bacause this 佛堂free help person tat gt kidney failure wash their kidney~
because at hospital cost many money~here no need^__^
so i very agree for donate wnt~help people mah~u help me,i help you~
then this is a happy and lovely world .....

is rainning....
beautiful also rain day....
must appreciate what we have now....
and always happy ....
all mui mui...we must love each other long long ah~~
cannot say no de a...
is comfortable and peace day....
and also dunno why,2day got some 感触~~~
love you all~~~~~~^_________^
turn liao gt many luck coming soon...XXD
rainning de杨柳树~~~~



after exam then come out the result~~~
yesterday teacher give us sejarah and chinese's result~~~~
my sejarah 62% only...T^T
last time i 65% B jor.....
hope broke jor~~~

then the chinese 75%
okok lor gt A~~~
1A ,1C....
THIS TIME de exam gt 8 subject 1A 1C liao~~~
i can't think about it the other subject's result~~~
sejarah i so hardworking to read adi~~~~T^T

then yesterday stomach pain dou~~~~
i 1st time know a hui geh leg so comfortable also....XDXD
i go ru sleep...everyone sleep sleep~~~
accept a hui she see EPOP lor....
nt so gt mode yesterday~~~~
tat BM paper 1 also know the result adi><
infront wrong so many....tat find same meaning de wrong also many~~~
don't want think about it aready~~~

Now,just think about my holiday~~~~
go play!!!!~~~~~~~~~
but also wnt do revision~~~~
because TRIAL is coming soon in August~~~
yow say her family plan to go Redang~~~
my mom say maybe at the last holiday in December then we go penang~
but maybe also my aunt will coming soon~~~^_____^
FIND a day we go somewhere together.....^^
meet together ^______^
for relax a bit....^^

Thursday, May 12, 2011

tuition+ celebration~

today go tuition~after 1.10, go back home~ i walk to yow's school go tuition together wif her^^

today nt so hot~~~is windy day....comfortable....

then we go eat 云吞面,a hui say 2.30 come~~~we say many things about ours

one of that is go travel.i say the first station want go THAILAND, my aunt say

tat THAILAND people is nice~~~^^aiya,gt some bie niu i say chinese back~

然后面来了,很有弹性一下~XDD 笨真60年历史哦~





继续吃~~~吃完了就逛the store去,看衣服~~~跑去fitting room拍照去~~~XDDD

















时间很快过了叻,5 点了,邱回家去了~我去中国风,看到很多熊,刚好六种不一样的~


暂时这样坝~post 不完~拜拜~~~~tq~XDD

Saturday, May 7, 2011


i think o almost tis week and next week i also will say the examT^T

today de BM paper2 so hard as well as paper 1~

tat punca let me want die aready~

so i write so many kesan~how how,a hui....hate the paper!~

then i find out that my BM become more bad and bad aready~

i feel that tuition's formula let me can't write properly~

tis is the 1st time i do BM paper until head pain and nervous~

if tis time my result nt so gud,next time,i dun will use the formula again~

we sit far and far away from each other....><

i sit near the window,a huisit under fan(so gud),xin ru sit beside door, yeeyu sit so infront~

bt i think is gud than last time~last time i dun feel so save

but o place so hot lah~sunshine too hardworking jor~~><

be lazy a bit hot~~u know u know???XD

and also these few days go tuition wif yow~we walk and go and also enjoy food together^^

happy~ing~=) dun know why everytime go out wif yow,time pass through so faz><

so...everyone add oil together!!!!~~~ush ush~push oil~XDDD