Saturday, December 31, 2011


Time had  pass through in a minute.
today is the last day of year 2011.
This year,normally the time is full with tuition and books.
And my hiliday is full with works.
But i'm happy,cause this year i can buy things by using my money.
New shirts,pants n dresses i can just buy it,if i like.
Shoes also.
this year i go jor times square 2 times~
every time i go i muz be buy somethings go home.
if not i will feel uncomfortable.
and tomorrow my sister will go to sarawak,miri.
she was choosen by the govourment to be an army 3 months.
And i heard,when our turn,everyone had to go for half year!
OMG!half year!half year can't eat ''?
although i nt so like to eat...
yesterday i go ts with jia n hui.
drink hor..err..somethintg like banana n choccalate.
taste like=banana cake~omg~but ok also ...although i nt so like to eat
banana cake.jia eat pasta n hui eat chocalte cake.
n today i can eat yummy food again!
my aunt shift to the other place...
can eat buffet!yumm~~~~
reborn again~bye =)

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


FInally back from penang~
my aunt had shifted toSG.BATU~
near to bayan lepas~
its a nice place...we can easily reach the seaside....
24/12 we had travel bus to penang.
its a long take 5 hours to reach penang.
we board ferry to go oversea~~~~
1st day is tired but happy~
we had eat seafood at the restaurant that nearby the seaside.

its a pesta to eat all the yummy food!
we woke up at 9 n then we start eat laksa~
at 12 we eat laksa / prawn mee~
erm...then..i eat the both~

we eat keuw tiao mee~n rojak at大山脚
then....7 more we eat chicken rice.
besides,we go visit my uncle.
I had runing nose~
since eat chicken rice i can't smell anything=(
its bad for yummy food all is yummy~
but...i can't smell ..just eat~

I cycling to the seaside wift my mom,sis n brother.
 its a very nice scenery!the sea is clean n the sand is
 cover by the seashell.\suddenly we saw a 
crabQ! dead.we cover it by sand..poor crab
the wind blow strongly....
 n after a moment,sun rise from the other side...
its warm n comfortable...
then we eat roti canai
then we eat abolone mee
then go snake temple then go pulau jejerak n then
go QUENSBAY MALL eat sushi n takoyaki~
 at night we eat Thai Food~
damn spicy~~~~

we back from penang
n when we broad the bus,someone sit our place!
we get same number~!then i n my sis had to sit the last role
very sempit n dangerous place
n our bus have to reach at 9 but had delay to 10.30!
damn bad services!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
in the nutshell....its happy journey
I love yummy food n Penang

Thursday, December 22, 2011


和豹豹,和宜姐,tun tun,萍姐,副经理,ming2,hong hong....jojo
无论是 厨房的,外面的,都很感谢大家~

Thursday, December 1, 2011


Miss A-Goodbye成功夺到了这个奖,确实跳得很棒的Miss A~
2ne1也夺了2个,和少时打和!一首I AM THE BEST,来势汹汹!
因为,一直都在关注她们,从第一张到现在最新的THE BOYS
所以每次听到INTO THE NEW WORLD就会莫名觉得很感动~

最近玩了coco girl~


Friday, November 18, 2011

MOney MOney MOney

I realise...MONEY really will make me happy^__^
yesterday i go principal room take jor 100 ringggit~
although my mom its for her to buy our school's things~
is TAURUS all like this?
this nt call tamak~is call reality~at this century,no money how can survive?
that 100 ringgit i hand it until mom send me go work~
yesterday is ok~gt many people~hahax~i will take my payment soon~MONEY

then...let me reply a hui~that sunshine~
问了,不是又会一直继续呵呵笑咯~不就会开心很多么? a customer ask me why i always smile and smile?
cause....i really wnt to say,nt juz because i am new,
its also because is a 礼貌~!
i'm nt scare~just smile is a 礼貌~
i smile to everyone!~just if some of the customer i really dislike i will smile wisely~
cause~if u respect me,i will respect u too~I serve everyone patiently~(hahahha~)
if u want change anything i can help u change,although it's ma fan~
but~plaese talk to me softly~
BUT,until now,no one talk to me rudely~^_____^
today OFF~<>is going down from cinema!!!!
is =那些年,我们一起追过的女孩
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!saturday dun have adi~
i want watch wif u all de~!after 2 week~~~~~i plan jor geh><
haven't ask oni~~~~~~~
then someone tell me is finish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!at saturday><
Nevermine time we see the other...
gt movie want see?we hang out 2gether lah~
then finally.......
post a bear's smile!
its nice!

Thursday, November 10, 2011


FInally hitman reborn i see dou 99 liao~^_^ almost 100!

Its happy~although i had saw all jor before~
see dou tsuna so lengzai n so kind~
giotto n tsuna almost same mah~xin ru say giotto more lengzaiT^T
For me,tsuna is a kind boss~^ ^
N i wait for the new episode~wait for 炎真 n his family~西蒙家族~
 he n tsuna look same~n their personalities also same=)
wait patiently~

me wan post picture too~!!~~~XP


lengzai dou~

And wednesday i go school adi~
they tell me need to go for the form~(choose wad subject we want in at next year de form)
then?dun have also> <
we spend our time for chating and seeing magazine~
Its funny~~~~!^__^
we laugh n laugh~dunno why will chat dou baby= =^
oh!~i think dou jor~a hui say she dun wan have a baby at future~
cause she work at a shop that selling baby's things~xp
n...i feel xin ru is cute~cute~cute~her emotion or anything~
then we sing THE BOYS~so hard geh a?we see epop geh lirick sing de~
got one i very comform de is..........bwara jom!and the english part~xp
tomorrow work again~i think it will be ok and meaningful~
cause learn quiet more things there~n the others is nice~they teach me many things too~
pray for me~~~~xp pray for me manager is happy tomorrow~had a good mode=)
N i fat jor=(
got someone tell me i become more fat than before i go work in esquire restaurant~xp
my face a!!!!!!!!!!i try to eat lesser lo~but it's quiet hard~
i always will say this to me:今天吃了再算,明天吃少点~the other also say to me like this~
but hor ~~~~can;'t do de~i just tipu myself~xp and they tipu me~XD
dun care lah~when i off i really no eat any rice for lunch and dinner~must keep~
finally next week no need go to school!n 那些年,我们一起追过的女孩
上映了!i wan to see it~but its 18 PG~xin ru say~
but i will see it!^____^
then i see dou its 原版de book's picture~i dun buy wrong leh!ahahah~

 期待…… long liao i write dou><
want go sleep a while>< headache><
see jor whole day de reborn.....tomorrow i will add more oil~
and every morning i will meet reborn n facebook for more good moody~
give a big big smile^__________________________^

Friday, October 28, 2011

It's friday~!

It's friday ...friday ....friday!!!~~~
dunno i happy 4 what juz because today i rest :)
I sleep until 2 p.m~~~so late~
this day juz sleep n sleep~
n now open blog n facebook check check~
n also delete message(always too much and boom)= =^
n i suddenly think dou what a jia at her blog~
transfer to chinese~~~~~~~~~---------




只要7秒,会忘记之前的一切 ,所以永远不会对鱼缸感到厌烦



人生最重要的不是完成了什么,而是如何完成     -------------九把刀                  

Monday, October 17, 2011


It's jiajiahui birthday ~~~~
but hor paiseh neh to buzy jor > <
haven't say happy birthday to her....
SORRY neh...> <

a cutest and sopotest GIRL in the world~~
she always smile like this ^_______^
N sometimes she will so sopo~~
until i scared dou..XP
n dunno wan answer what de GIRL~
accept a wong xin ru,jiajiahui also same~
so geng de~~
Then, finally she is 15 now....
grow up liao~~~also old liao~
the distance between her and her dreem is shorter....
She can touch the real sky liao after 2-3 years~
SO hope she is  happy n always happy everyday~
N grow taller~~~~~XD [gam dong?]
N i want say she is pretty and cute cute lah~XP
everyone in our group LOVE YOU much~
so ...add oil in everything and also must gambateh neh~~~

Saturday, October 15, 2011


Yesterday is my second day go work~~~
okok loh~~~just tired oni~
they teach me many things and finally i know how to write a order~!!!!
i like work after 5 o'clock ...not so many ppl come in and eat~
then the staft will talk a joke and tell me their experience~
they take care of me,they dun will let me take something that heavy~
They are funny~XD

My first day go work i know a girl come from china~call Li Jin she 23 years old adi~
everyone see dou  me will ask whats my age= =^
when i say 15~they will just tall de?
just laught~^______^
then we 10 at the  night go back home... tired~
never mine~just go work~next month dun wan work so long time adi~

Then they teach me patiently...
no one scold me~XD
just cannot go pasar malam oni mah~~XD
a part of them come from china~~~and also mix the other country
some talk GUANG DONG,some talk chinese~
their chinese is nice~~~
Finally no one call wrong my chinese name
i damm gam dong geh~~~then i know a 'uncle'he dun want tell me his name
i ask him why u know how to call my name de?
he just say because i come from china~= =^

just ok....

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


PMR is out of my life^___^
then  today hang out with yow n hui~
go JOJO eat~~~
today a hui go interview for job in same restaurant with me~
but the boss say need she wait for call~
but i am sucess to be a waitress at there~~~because i had interview few day ago~
thrusday will go work~for my money...$$
is happy today~~~
xin ru's present almost done~
n a jia geh present done~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~XD

we walk a long journey until PMR is finish~!!!!yeahhhhhhhh!~~~
then when i n yow in CAREFOUR's MR.DIY we meet a syria people~
then after he tell us, i say i know the country~ he ask me ,where is it?
i can't answer>< grrrrr><
i just hear about this country oni,how i know where is it= =^
then i see dou many pretty de things^________^
then its HOLIDAY!!!!!!!!!!
its holiday!!!!!!!!!!!!!
want to sing into the new world!
sarengheyo inikun mideyo~~~~~~~
just happy!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~
let's have a travel heart to heart!~~~
so like this bird~~~XD

this i look dou at MR.DIY geh~
see yow always so leng geh~^__________^

Sunday, October 9, 2011

PMR is almost out of my life~
just left 2 days....
after these two days..XD
is...go work with my darling><
money a money~
then buy a phone~
before that have a date with yow~
go drink waine and eat chicken chop~(so expensive can't eat)so just lying de~XD
my beutiful holiday is full with work~
and also pameran buku~XD
annually书香is coming soon~on 18/11-28/11
my first 100 ringgit of my薪水is going to pay for ....novel~XD
this year i should buy more~~~then go shooping buy shirt~
go here go there~~~i would like to burn all form 3 books~(but can't!~its expensive)

then...i mark some of the subject~
i like the marks~can't believe my geo just wrong 6~
when xin ru help me mark the 1st page she say wrong 3><
scare me~~same as her my geo~~
then sj is also ok~wrong 12~BM gt so terrible ~but good then last time 5 question~
english i also like~science is ok also~(good then last time)last time so terrible
i hate KH really hate KH so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
but its a easy subject to score~just need 41 mark~41/60 then can A~
because this subject gt count projeck mark~

I wanna go to the beach~its must be a beutiful scnery~~
walk on the beach in a brillant morning~
i would like to shout loudly finally the exam is over~~~~!!~~~
then i want watch reborn again~and also that狐妖
just play and play and play~~
and  i would just want FREE TIME

Thursday, September 29, 2011




尽力吧! 明年选科的事再打算~茹说进account~叫我们一起进~(人家数学不好)


Thursday, September 1, 2011




Sunday, August 21, 2011


these day,all result had out~~~
the result not so good><
some of it had improve~
some of it drop><
xin ru's result is the best lah....
want sot jor><
my matyh 47 oni><
no face see everyone adi><
english,BM gt some drop jor><
just sejarah up!!~~~

last week they go see kim hyun joong==^
they say so lengzzaiiii o><
i also know he is lengzai lor><
(eating vineger><)
these day enjoy hearing song~

LOVE f(x) garagabana~
so cute~they seen like had change their style~XD
SNSD gt new song adi~kuwo 推荐~

they so yeng!!!~~~
love them more~XD
then they like grow up jor^___^
yeeyu give me kim hyun joong's music album~
she buy jor more~~~
these day xin ru want sot jor because hyun joong go jor thailand~~~
lengzaiiii lor....XD
i love kiss kiss~~~'PLEASE' so gam dong><
the liric so gam dong~a boy hope a girl dun see the other guy,
don't smile to him....hope she back~~~=(
xin ru say she so gam dong~and say the girl eye gt problemXD hyun joong so lengzaiiii~then i feel o....LEE MIN HO so lengzaiii lo~~
want crazy liao~~~~
these day so tired always sleep....XP
the holiday is comming~~~finally can rest~~~
revision is stop doing adi><
but in holiday i will continue do revision hard~
thinking things~~~xin ru say her birthday she want sweet and chocalate from me~
(wah so easy geh this year)==^ XDXD
haiz...think after lah this.....

then this day eat almost same thing at canteen~sienz~><
gt some stall off jor because of puasa~
actually what i want to say is I REALLY HATE SENI!!!!
almost whole form3 doing seni~
because seni teacher is fierce(our teacher)
but sometimes she very nice to our class and also cute~XD
just a update^___^

Sunday, August 7, 2011

end the 1st week of exam

Finally 1st week of exam is end~
malay and english paper is ok~
nt so pressure to finish it~
the last part of english paper 2 is about literature~
xin ru n a hui write the phantom~
the title is :"how the main character solve his/her problem"
they write something i feel so mabulous~
they write the phantom use mask to hide his face because he is ugly~
this so geng~~~
i never think about it before~~~XD

i write DR.JEKYLL~
he kill himself and about the will that will leave for MR.HYDE if he was dissapeaed
or died~
then other day was MATH~
paper 1?horrible><
so many question i dunno how to do><
hate the pie~><
paper 2 is ok~
do my best aready><
still dunno~
skip for it><

monday is sejarah~
finally is sejarah~
finally monday just have one paper~
finally i can do it better~
must score A in sejarah~
always B or C><
after sejarah,GEO i think can score better also~
science n KH always terrible><
science also like score 21/40 ==^
these day put more hard on it><
must score properly this time~

if not.....
most probaly...
will in a bad aliran><
i dun want KH
dun want SENI~!!!!
so...add plant oil^_^

Saturday, July 16, 2011


In this month or few month ago i just revison SEJARAH AND GEOGRAFI~
I want guarant this two subject must be A!
TRIAL is coming soon~but i still can't do revison properly~
always promise that i will do a set of oast year every night~
but this week i just do revision for 3/5 days~
but this two subject i working it so hard~><
Geografi is hard><
thats why i always hate geografi more than sejarah~
other subject i did'nt do revision also.

when i see MATH i just do some of it and close the book~
really hate MATH!!!!!
i just know INEQUALITIES II and the infront something ~
BM,BI,BC did'nt do revision~BI just remember the vocabulary~
my whole room almost full of paper~i copy the note from the wrong question i did~
just SJ N GEO~science got 3 oni~><
BM got one only~this time my KH must be B,or not teacher will kill ppl~
she is fierce teacher scare she will push me out and say dun come in her class~
still wnt how long i can in the seventh of heaven?(part of the vocab)
this must depends on yourself~
mom say if ur heart dun want to do revision,how i give u pressure also no use~

I feel that this month i can't enjoy my savouring properly~
yesterday when i decide dun want eat dinner and do revision properly,
stomach pain lah><
and then when i eat i see TV again!==^
lazy people~~~~~~~
hate myself can't be nervous for the trial~
just always play ><
2.30 want go wif yow(dunno can go a not)
4.00-7.00 agian tuition~
so considerately i see REBORN last year~
can go tuition without angry and lazy~
schedule is full><
in a whole day my half of day had been used~
must tired when i am back~><
but is also a part of hardworking,is'nt?

must score at least 5 A in the trial!
BM,BI,BC,SJ,GEO!gambateh neh!
i will be more hardworking to do revision for my nice working holiday~
the result is more important than anything~
if i did'nt work hard,the result is bad,i can't angry anyone.just me.
i will be endure!and patient~
I will appreciate myself for working hard~
althought if the result is no so good(must be good)!!!!!
jelly time is end,go revision aready~
all of us must be hardworking!!!
this is our future our roaad~still a long way to goz~
PMR just a part of it!so....gambateh^___^
be proud of ourself!~~~
i will do revision properly everytime i take up the book~~~

Saturday, July 9, 2011

post (^____^)

yesterday go tuition that 特工队~
wait a hui come then go pay the money~
still got half an hour time then we go shop shop~
go THE STORE again~XD
unfortunately...i wear the same cloth when last time we go out ==^
so the shirt is same~==
we see many cloth and walk here walk there~
we also capture jor picture ^_6
go changing room and sneak in to captureXD
scard the workers will scold us~

yeah ^v^

a hui yeah herself^____^
then i capture last time a hui did'nt capture de...wif toys
she take the biggest==^

can't put back the toys...
before the moment,many toys drop~XD
i sucess put it back,hahah~XD
so geng~XD

victory~!sucess liao~XD
then i see this tweetie><
a hui say when she still small,she also like tweetie...
but tweetieis long time ago toys can't find it easily~
i like tweetie also~always love tweetie and pushy cat=)
my home also got the toys~XD gt pushy cat also~cute^____^a hui take the toys because the toys look sad=(
like her^____^

Friday, July 8, 2011

just angry and confuse

TODAY everything is ok ....
but got a things let me almost cry hard~
today gt a dunno wad teacher come in and say
:"if later i enter your class,must see your class is clean,the window muz be clean also,
if nt i will saman youy class==^"
then today is me and a hui sapu the floor~
but gt a MALAY girl take the broom away so just left one~
SYAFIQAH put the broom beside me,so i go sapu~
when i do the work,i see the teacher like scolding a guy that cleaning window.
then she scold our leader say she should nt use feather sweep to swep the window,
should use wet cloth! she scold so loud><
then our leader say:"must use the feather sweep 1st and then use wet cloth mah,
always like this de~"
but this dialog is appear after the teacher go~
(i agree this word,my home also like this de)

then when i sweep she seeing at me...
i got some scard aready but i just sweep my floor~
then she walk in and see me then she ask
:"who call u like this sweep floor?u know how to sweep a not?see!goyang goyang
can sweep?see me how to sweep!"
then i see her sweep..after then she ask me:"now u know!"
i did'nt choi her 1 st time~then she see me u know a not?!
i nod me head later....then she go away....
then gt a malay girl take my broom and help me sweep~
i angry and endure my tears go back my place~
i almost cry some tears come out aready><
she nt talk properly to me,she like scold me!

then i think,how i sweep is my way is my style!
Am i dun sweep the floor become clean?
i always sweep until it clean!
must sweep follow ur style?
this is my style,i like sweep like this,ensure it is clean!
why want like scold me?can't say properly~
i will sweep until it clean then everthing is ok aready,
why u want like this?
our malay teacher say this teacher is good but her mouth nt so good only~
then i am angry until recess time~did'nt talk anything~

a hui, yeeyu and xinru look at me~
i just stand up and go out~did'nt say anything scare will say some bad thing out~
i should be polite~my mom say dun say bad things again<
just try to endure my tears only><
i dun will cry about this things simply simply!
would never cry at school!!!!!!!infront of the teacher i dislike~
wnt laught happily~gek sei them~XDXD
bad leh>?XD

after that de period is ok~i like science teacher,so good teacher~
althought got some boring....
but she is as nice as PN.GENIE~XD
then we salin the nota and do exercise~
when sivik period we chating~xinru sleep liao~like so tired~
today she no need fishing liao can sleep more comfort~XD
then we discus the mettle of all of us~xinru wake up aready cause one reason~
got some funny de~XD
then just the end of school~
also happy ending lah~XD
then want go tuition liao~dunno a hui got go a not~
my travel is full in today and tomorrow><
but PMR still got 88 day only!trial 4 week!must be hardworking,is'nt?
yes!add plant oil more!(recycle)XD

Saturday, July 2, 2011


yesterday my mom go my school take result adi~
our class teacher dunno go where adi,
so our chinese teacher taking her place~
i take handphone go(so bad o)XD
a hui accompany me take~
gt take a few picture and hear song wif using ear phoneA
we discusting after PMR wnt go work~
a hui say wnt buy iphone~XD
i also want buy a phone so~XD
totally we think if we go work and buy wad we want,
is more reality than dreaming after we result out wad will we score~
and the 诺言tat parents did will be done~
so is more reality a bit lah~
then my mother just say my result is ok~
but she take my result and my sis result and compare~
she ask me go back home and compare whats the different~
i know lah~she form 5's average is 62.05~
my one is 63.19~then gt different~
because she is form 5 mah,totally say my average should be tall than her~
so next time i will be more hardworking~

xin ru is the last go back home~
her mom n father say wnt go eat breakfast ~
after that drive her home,so she is the last~
this year gt some different jor,becaause every year i am the last~
always wait and wait n wait~
yesterday also gt join特工队~
wif a hui~
her mom let her in jor^^
seriously say i need some pressure~
(this nt call bian tai)
if dun have any presure i can't do things well~><
and i am lazy too~
i can't control myself go see 黑执事~
go pps see jor 2 episode><
dunno why i really wnt to see~
(i know jor,xinru say some the story of it to me,i start cannot control myself see again~)
so this is my jelly lor~and then i can go do revision~
i feel fortunately i see the last two episode,if not i can't control myself~
after PMR i want see all of it~all the anime i like,all the movie i like,
all the korean programme i like~
so be hardworking!!!!!!^_______^

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


SUNSHINE DARLING monday birthday~
seriously say.....she really take a knife go~XD
(my comb la~my comb is long and so sharp its beck==^)
see...sashi teach bad sunshine jor...XD
almost back home time i rampas jor a hui's bag~and put ins
wheni birthday she also like this de~XDXD
i buy a shirt for her^___^
two layer de~err..look like gt some childist geh~dunno got a not><'''
then xinru give a hui a angry bird hang on phone de~XD
tat got write:"RM9.90"
xinru say so good a this present still can give back RM0.1
then she also receive present from yinkuan and christy~
we so hao qi of it~XDXD
gt a present paper so cute lor!~
cat cat~XD
then last still wnt say
happy birthday~^_______^
and hope u always happy~^________^
i more like u short hair~
。 cute~^^

Friday, June 24, 2011


see that title...~~~aiyo,nt me sick lah~XD
TODAY xin ru nt so comfortable~she say stomachache....
i ask her gt very pain?she say dunno~so not so really care about it~
then after today presentation,she like really pain~
so i take her go toilet....

then when BM period,she say very pain~
then cry.....><'''
i ask her wnt call her mom come?
she say want~then i go down stairs wif yeeyu to call her mom come~
a hui comfort her~~~
the phone o dudududu jor a few second then i hear xinru's mama voice~
the background sound is so loud~

we go recess~because prefect dun let us at class...
go eat something~i'm the last person~canteen dun hav ppl adi~
then szi mun kiding say:"eat slowly~dun choking"
when we back class she say want go toilet i accompony her go~
then when i back to take tisu for her,i see her mom n dad go up stairs!
err...wrong way~call a hui take tisu 4 her~then go wif yeeyu 2chase xinru's parents~
her mom and dad wait outside~gt some nervous~(me lah)
go toilet find xin ru~come out adi~take her to her parent's~
and then she go home adi~
this 4 period dun hav teacher come~so chating~
say jor many things~

tell a hui a strategi to read book:(tell by tuition teacher MR.HEW)
set ur quantity and time 2 read books for a day,
after finish,go do something that u like^^
but what u read muz be understanding by urself~
set ur target~~~if u done ur target,reward ourself~
i think this is a good idea for me(cause lazy read book)XD

then say skirt~how the style~when we wear~XD
last time yow gt say wear white skirt go the cafe will so nice~
i just gt one oni~XD
hor...a hui gt skirt geh...never seen her wear before~==
so pity never see before~XD
i out of blue remember jiahui's cupboard also gt pretty skirt~
also did'nt see before==^
yow also gt many~
also never see it before...==^

then say a hui easy cry~XD
ask yeeyu n a hui:"gt see me cry before?:)"
but i'm nt cold-blooded....
just endurance good oni~
and also hide good oni~
but i easy feel touch~
let me touch, or cry infront of me let me gt very guily feel,
then i will....

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


seriously mood bad~
dunno why lah~suddenly too many works coming~
next week presentation(english),then is seni projeck~then is cooking(ERT)
then this week is singing competition><
too many works to do adi><
the seni projeck is the most big problem><
cooking?dislike lah~cannot choose urself wnt~teacher say this can't that can't><
singing competition that day go leisure mall~
still thinking something~
actually gt a few minute think dun wnt go adi><
gt some annoying~
gt too much wnt to plan<
i hate tuition also same as a hui~
tat day geh tuition is KH/BC~
can dun go i will dun go lahXD
dunno yow gt go a not....
see much need to think~
a hui cannot go><
aiyo,annoying lah><
and TRIAL is comming soon><
is revisioning.....still can't revision properly==^
wnt gao dim SJ 1~~~~SCIENCE also big problem...
i dun want in SENI/KH~~~dun want!muz take 5A more!
cause seni next year will open until 6 class!!!!!!omg~dun want in!
dun care lah~let me think properly 1~and think the way 1~

Saturday, June 18, 2011


today open music box(kuwo) then i see many song==^
nt my one the song~more jor many CN Blue,FT Island,Take,AKB48 n F(X)'s,T-ARA song~
my music box wnt boom adi~so i delete many chinese song~
my sister wnt boom my music box adi><
then play facebook~and put on my headset~songs start~
then suddenly hear:"tell my why why why...dunno wad liao~bye bye bye..."
hahahah....CN Blue-LOVE~friday n a hui sing~XDXD

continue play~and then until FT Island's song-THE ONE~
start with english~at first i really think is english song==^
but nice^_________^
then is TAKE~then out of blue hear a strong music~go see music box~
its f(x)'s song.....-MR.BOOGIE~and then is DANGER~many so pop song~
like the strong music~~~~~~~
then is T-ARA~
also strong music up 1~YAYAYA~
and also sweet song-BEAUTIFUL GIRL~
love it too~

but love snsd the most^^

Monday, June 6, 2011

❤Jia house

4/6 go jor Jia 's house~
when i reach there,yen also there aready~
she is the first who reach there~
we chating to each other~chat and chat~
talk about our life,school....
and..waiting 4 tat shabu bear come lor~
i see dou jor a dog(toys__)tat i give jiahui last two years~wah!cute lor!~
XDXD i take a cute picture for it~so cute gt a big head^_______^
i feel that it's head will become bigger and bigger after i let it reduce it weightXD
then sashimiiiii mummy go to work~~~
and before that shabu reach jor^^
chat and chat...
then we go eat things~eat roti canai~planta~^0^
i and sashimiiiii eat oni~i and yen share ice lemon tea~^_____^
capture jor their picture~

she is thinking~XDXD

she eat finish adi then i capture her~so lengluiiiii^_________^
then we go 99 market buy desert's need de ingredients~
after discus,sashimi n shabu go back home to choose what desert we do~
i and yen waiting.....waiting....
sun is so hot~fortunately,gt air cone~
after buy we walk back home~tempura and me is 路痴==^
we almost dunno how to back home==^
we start doing desert^^
we do the desert by following this book~
shabu measure the ingredients~
tempura make it become everage~
sashimiiiii cook it~what i do?capture them!~
then we go play water~
capture jor many picture^^
sushi n tempura

we all take together^^three by three~

see she so happy smile!~bc i call her:'e~wnt see teeth~'perfect!
tat pail is sashimiii's hat!XDXD
then we take bath~
wash shabu's hair~
then i ready to eat our pudding!
but before that we need to eat something-magie~
taste good!~
then we eat pudding~~~~
err....too sweet!and too much adi we do~
is ok 4 first time^_______^this is me n tempura's work~
also help bt sashimiiii and shabu~~~~XDXD
then we go living room~talking~~~~
i capture dou shabu smile so cute~that white white thing is sashimiiii's home the other dog~

i'm the last go home~chatting wif sashimiiii be4 go home~
its fun~~~~^_______^
but i hope next time we will play together without lossing anyone^^

Saturday, December 31, 2011


Time had  pass through in a minute.
today is the last day of year 2011.
This year,normally the time is full with tuition and books.
And my hiliday is full with works.
But i'm happy,cause this year i can buy things by using my money.
New shirts,pants n dresses i can just buy it,if i like.
Shoes also.
this year i go jor times square 2 times~
every time i go i muz be buy somethings go home.
if not i will feel uncomfortable.
and tomorrow my sister will go to sarawak,miri.
she was choosen by the govourment to be an army 3 months.
And i heard,when our turn,everyone had to go for half year!
OMG!half year!half year can't eat ''?
although i nt so like to eat...
yesterday i go ts with jia n hui.
drink hor..err..somethintg like banana n choccalate.
taste like=banana cake~omg~but ok also ...although i nt so like to eat
banana cake.jia eat pasta n hui eat chocalte cake.
n today i can eat yummy food again!
my aunt shift to the other place...
can eat buffet!yumm~~~~
reborn again~bye =)

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


FInally back from penang~
my aunt had shifted toSG.BATU~
near to bayan lepas~
its a nice place...we can easily reach the seaside....
24/12 we had travel bus to penang.
its a long take 5 hours to reach penang.
we board ferry to go oversea~~~~
1st day is tired but happy~
we had eat seafood at the restaurant that nearby the seaside.

its a pesta to eat all the yummy food!
we woke up at 9 n then we start eat laksa~
at 12 we eat laksa / prawn mee~
erm...then..i eat the both~

we eat keuw tiao mee~n rojak at大山脚
then....7 more we eat chicken rice.
besides,we go visit my uncle.
I had runing nose~
since eat chicken rice i can't smell anything=(
its bad for yummy food all is yummy~
but...i can't smell ..just eat~

I cycling to the seaside wift my mom,sis n brother.
 its a very nice scenery!the sea is clean n the sand is
 cover by the seashell.\suddenly we saw a 
crabQ! dead.we cover it by sand..poor crab
the wind blow strongly....
 n after a moment,sun rise from the other side...
its warm n comfortable...
then we eat roti canai
then we eat abolone mee
then go snake temple then go pulau jejerak n then
go QUENSBAY MALL eat sushi n takoyaki~
 at night we eat Thai Food~
damn spicy~~~~

we back from penang
n when we broad the bus,someone sit our place!
we get same number~!then i n my sis had to sit the last role
very sempit n dangerous place
n our bus have to reach at 9 but had delay to 10.30!
damn bad services!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
in the nutshell....its happy journey
I love yummy food n Penang

Thursday, December 22, 2011


和豹豹,和宜姐,tun tun,萍姐,副经理,ming2,hong hong....jojo
无论是 厨房的,外面的,都很感谢大家~

Thursday, December 1, 2011


Miss A-Goodbye成功夺到了这个奖,确实跳得很棒的Miss A~
2ne1也夺了2个,和少时打和!一首I AM THE BEST,来势汹汹!
因为,一直都在关注她们,从第一张到现在最新的THE BOYS
所以每次听到INTO THE NEW WORLD就会莫名觉得很感动~

最近玩了coco girl~


Friday, November 18, 2011

MOney MOney MOney

I realise...MONEY really will make me happy^__^
yesterday i go principal room take jor 100 ringggit~
although my mom its for her to buy our school's things~
is TAURUS all like this?
this nt call tamak~is call reality~at this century,no money how can survive?
that 100 ringgit i hand it until mom send me go work~
yesterday is ok~gt many people~hahax~i will take my payment soon~MONEY

then...let me reply a hui~that sunshine~
问了,不是又会一直继续呵呵笑咯~不就会开心很多么? a customer ask me why i always smile and smile?
cause....i really wnt to say,nt juz because i am new,
its also because is a 礼貌~!
i'm nt scare~just smile is a 礼貌~
i smile to everyone!~just if some of the customer i really dislike i will smile wisely~
cause~if u respect me,i will respect u too~I serve everyone patiently~(hahahha~)
if u want change anything i can help u change,although it's ma fan~
but~plaese talk to me softly~
BUT,until now,no one talk to me rudely~^_____^
today OFF~<>is going down from cinema!!!!
is =那些年,我们一起追过的女孩
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!saturday dun have adi~
i want watch wif u all de~!after 2 week~~~~~i plan jor geh><
haven't ask oni~~~~~~~
then someone tell me is finish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!at saturday><
Nevermine time we see the other...
gt movie want see?we hang out 2gether lah~
then finally.......
post a bear's smile!
its nice!

Thursday, November 10, 2011


FInally hitman reborn i see dou 99 liao~^_^ almost 100!

Its happy~although i had saw all jor before~
see dou tsuna so lengzai n so kind~
giotto n tsuna almost same mah~xin ru say giotto more lengzaiT^T
For me,tsuna is a kind boss~^ ^
N i wait for the new episode~wait for 炎真 n his family~西蒙家族~
 he n tsuna look same~n their personalities also same=)
wait patiently~

me wan post picture too~!!~~~XP


lengzai dou~

And wednesday i go school adi~
they tell me need to go for the form~(choose wad subject we want in at next year de form)
then?dun have also> <
we spend our time for chating and seeing magazine~
Its funny~~~~!^__^
we laugh n laugh~dunno why will chat dou baby= =^
oh!~i think dou jor~a hui say she dun wan have a baby at future~
cause she work at a shop that selling baby's things~xp
n...i feel xin ru is cute~cute~cute~her emotion or anything~
then we sing THE BOYS~so hard geh a?we see epop geh lirick sing de~
got one i very comform de is..........bwara jom!and the english part~xp
tomorrow work again~i think it will be ok and meaningful~
cause learn quiet more things there~n the others is nice~they teach me many things too~
pray for me~~~~xp pray for me manager is happy tomorrow~had a good mode=)
N i fat jor=(
got someone tell me i become more fat than before i go work in esquire restaurant~xp
my face a!!!!!!!!!!i try to eat lesser lo~but it's quiet hard~
i always will say this to me:今天吃了再算,明天吃少点~the other also say to me like this~
but hor ~~~~can;'t do de~i just tipu myself~xp and they tipu me~XD
dun care lah~when i off i really no eat any rice for lunch and dinner~must keep~
finally next week no need go to school!n 那些年,我们一起追过的女孩
上映了!i wan to see it~but its 18 PG~xin ru say~
but i will see it!^____^
then i see dou its 原版de book's picture~i dun buy wrong leh!ahahah~

 期待…… long liao i write dou><
want go sleep a while>< headache><
see jor whole day de reborn.....tomorrow i will add more oil~
and every morning i will meet reborn n facebook for more good moody~
give a big big smile^__________________________^

Friday, October 28, 2011

It's friday~!

It's friday ...friday ....friday!!!~~~
dunno i happy 4 what juz because today i rest :)
I sleep until 2 p.m~~~so late~
this day juz sleep n sleep~
n now open blog n facebook check check~
n also delete message(always too much and boom)= =^
n i suddenly think dou what a jia at her blog~
transfer to chinese~~~~~~~~~---------




只要7秒,会忘记之前的一切 ,所以永远不会对鱼缸感到厌烦



人生最重要的不是完成了什么,而是如何完成     -------------九把刀                  

Monday, October 17, 2011


It's jiajiahui birthday ~~~~
but hor paiseh neh to buzy jor > <
haven't say happy birthday to her....
SORRY neh...> <

a cutest and sopotest GIRL in the world~~
she always smile like this ^_______^
N sometimes she will so sopo~~
until i scared dou..XP
n dunno wan answer what de GIRL~
accept a wong xin ru,jiajiahui also same~
so geng de~~
Then, finally she is 15 now....
grow up liao~~~also old liao~
the distance between her and her dreem is shorter....
She can touch the real sky liao after 2-3 years~
SO hope she is  happy n always happy everyday~
N grow taller~~~~~XD [gam dong?]
N i want say she is pretty and cute cute lah~XP
everyone in our group LOVE YOU much~
so ...add oil in everything and also must gambateh neh~~~

Saturday, October 15, 2011


Yesterday is my second day go work~~~
okok loh~~~just tired oni~
they teach me many things and finally i know how to write a order~!!!!
i like work after 5 o'clock ...not so many ppl come in and eat~
then the staft will talk a joke and tell me their experience~
they take care of me,they dun will let me take something that heavy~
They are funny~XD

My first day go work i know a girl come from china~call Li Jin she 23 years old adi~
everyone see dou  me will ask whats my age= =^
when i say 15~they will just tall de?
just laught~^______^
then we 10 at the  night go back home... tired~
never mine~just go work~next month dun wan work so long time adi~

Then they teach me patiently...
no one scold me~XD
just cannot go pasar malam oni mah~~XD
a part of them come from china~~~and also mix the other country
some talk GUANG DONG,some talk chinese~
their chinese is nice~~~
Finally no one call wrong my chinese name
i damm gam dong geh~~~then i know a 'uncle'he dun want tell me his name
i ask him why u know how to call my name de?
he just say because i come from china~= =^

just ok....

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


PMR is out of my life^___^
then  today hang out with yow n hui~
go JOJO eat~~~
today a hui go interview for job in same restaurant with me~
but the boss say need she wait for call~
but i am sucess to be a waitress at there~~~because i had interview few day ago~
thrusday will go work~for my money...$$
is happy today~~~
xin ru's present almost done~
n a jia geh present done~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~XD

we walk a long journey until PMR is finish~!!!!yeahhhhhhhh!~~~
then when i n yow in CAREFOUR's MR.DIY we meet a syria people~
then after he tell us, i say i know the country~ he ask me ,where is it?
i can't answer>< grrrrr><
i just hear about this country oni,how i know where is it= =^
then i see dou many pretty de things^________^
then its HOLIDAY!!!!!!!!!!
its holiday!!!!!!!!!!!!!
want to sing into the new world!
sarengheyo inikun mideyo~~~~~~~
just happy!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~
let's have a travel heart to heart!~~~
so like this bird~~~XD

this i look dou at MR.DIY geh~
see yow always so leng geh~^__________^

Sunday, October 9, 2011

PMR is almost out of my life~
just left 2 days....
after these two days..XD
is...go work with my darling><
money a money~
then buy a phone~
before that have a date with yow~
go drink waine and eat chicken chop~(so expensive can't eat)so just lying de~XD
my beutiful holiday is full with work~
and also pameran buku~XD
annually书香is coming soon~on 18/11-28/11
my first 100 ringgit of my薪水is going to pay for ....novel~XD
this year i should buy more~~~then go shooping buy shirt~
go here go there~~~i would like to burn all form 3 books~(but can't!~its expensive)

then...i mark some of the subject~
i like the marks~can't believe my geo just wrong 6~
when xin ru help me mark the 1st page she say wrong 3><
scare me~~same as her my geo~~
then sj is also ok~wrong 12~BM gt so terrible ~but good then last time 5 question~
english i also like~science is ok also~(good then last time)last time so terrible
i hate KH really hate KH so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
but its a easy subject to score~just need 41 mark~41/60 then can A~
because this subject gt count projeck mark~

I wanna go to the beach~its must be a beutiful scnery~~
walk on the beach in a brillant morning~
i would like to shout loudly finally the exam is over~~~~!!~~~
then i want watch reborn again~and also that狐妖
just play and play and play~~
and  i would just want FREE TIME

Thursday, September 29, 2011




尽力吧! 明年选科的事再打算~茹说进account~叫我们一起进~(人家数学不好)


Thursday, September 1, 2011




Sunday, August 21, 2011


these day,all result had out~~~
the result not so good><
some of it had improve~
some of it drop><
xin ru's result is the best lah....
want sot jor><
my matyh 47 oni><
no face see everyone adi><
english,BM gt some drop jor><
just sejarah up!!~~~

last week they go see kim hyun joong==^
they say so lengzzaiiii o><
i also know he is lengzai lor><
(eating vineger><)
these day enjoy hearing song~

LOVE f(x) garagabana~
so cute~they seen like had change their style~XD
SNSD gt new song adi~kuwo 推荐~

they so yeng!!!~~~
love them more~XD
then they like grow up jor^___^
yeeyu give me kim hyun joong's music album~
she buy jor more~~~
these day xin ru want sot jor because hyun joong go jor thailand~~~
lengzaiiii lor....XD
i love kiss kiss~~~'PLEASE' so gam dong><
the liric so gam dong~a boy hope a girl dun see the other guy,
don't smile to him....hope she back~~~=(
xin ru say she so gam dong~and say the girl eye gt problemXD hyun joong so lengzaiiii~then i feel o....LEE MIN HO so lengzaiii lo~~
want crazy liao~~~~
these day so tired always sleep....XP
the holiday is comming~~~finally can rest~~~
revision is stop doing adi><
but in holiday i will continue do revision hard~
thinking things~~~xin ru say her birthday she want sweet and chocalate from me~
(wah so easy geh this year)==^ XDXD
haiz...think after lah this.....

then this day eat almost same thing at canteen~sienz~><
gt some stall off jor because of puasa~
actually what i want to say is I REALLY HATE SENI!!!!
almost whole form3 doing seni~
because seni teacher is fierce(our teacher)
but sometimes she very nice to our class and also cute~XD
just a update^___^

Sunday, August 7, 2011

end the 1st week of exam

Finally 1st week of exam is end~
malay and english paper is ok~
nt so pressure to finish it~
the last part of english paper 2 is about literature~
xin ru n a hui write the phantom~
the title is :"how the main character solve his/her problem"
they write something i feel so mabulous~
they write the phantom use mask to hide his face because he is ugly~
this so geng~~~
i never think about it before~~~XD

i write DR.JEKYLL~
he kill himself and about the will that will leave for MR.HYDE if he was dissapeaed
or died~
then other day was MATH~
paper 1?horrible><
so many question i dunno how to do><
hate the pie~><
paper 2 is ok~
do my best aready><
still dunno~
skip for it><

monday is sejarah~
finally is sejarah~
finally monday just have one paper~
finally i can do it better~
must score A in sejarah~
always B or C><
after sejarah,GEO i think can score better also~
science n KH always terrible><
science also like score 21/40 ==^
these day put more hard on it><
must score properly this time~

if not.....
most probaly...
will in a bad aliran><
i dun want KH
dun want SENI~!!!!
so...add plant oil^_^

Saturday, July 16, 2011


In this month or few month ago i just revison SEJARAH AND GEOGRAFI~
I want guarant this two subject must be A!
TRIAL is coming soon~but i still can't do revison properly~
always promise that i will do a set of oast year every night~
but this week i just do revision for 3/5 days~
but this two subject i working it so hard~><
Geografi is hard><
thats why i always hate geografi more than sejarah~
other subject i did'nt do revision also.

when i see MATH i just do some of it and close the book~
really hate MATH!!!!!
i just know INEQUALITIES II and the infront something ~
BM,BI,BC did'nt do revision~BI just remember the vocabulary~
my whole room almost full of paper~i copy the note from the wrong question i did~
just SJ N GEO~science got 3 oni~><
BM got one only~this time my KH must be B,or not teacher will kill ppl~
she is fierce teacher scare she will push me out and say dun come in her class~
still wnt how long i can in the seventh of heaven?(part of the vocab)
this must depends on yourself~
mom say if ur heart dun want to do revision,how i give u pressure also no use~

I feel that this month i can't enjoy my savouring properly~
yesterday when i decide dun want eat dinner and do revision properly,
stomach pain lah><
and then when i eat i see TV again!==^
lazy people~~~~~~~
hate myself can't be nervous for the trial~
just always play ><
2.30 want go wif yow(dunno can go a not)
4.00-7.00 agian tuition~
so considerately i see REBORN last year~
can go tuition without angry and lazy~
schedule is full><
in a whole day my half of day had been used~
must tired when i am back~><
but is also a part of hardworking,is'nt?

must score at least 5 A in the trial!
BM,BI,BC,SJ,GEO!gambateh neh!
i will be more hardworking to do revision for my nice working holiday~
the result is more important than anything~
if i did'nt work hard,the result is bad,i can't angry anyone.just me.
i will be endure!and patient~
I will appreciate myself for working hard~
althought if the result is no so good(must be good)!!!!!
jelly time is end,go revision aready~
all of us must be hardworking!!!
this is our future our roaad~still a long way to goz~
PMR just a part of it!so....gambateh^___^
be proud of ourself!~~~
i will do revision properly everytime i take up the book~~~

Saturday, July 9, 2011

post (^____^)

yesterday go tuition that 特工队~
wait a hui come then go pay the money~
still got half an hour time then we go shop shop~
go THE STORE again~XD
unfortunately...i wear the same cloth when last time we go out ==^
so the shirt is same~==
we see many cloth and walk here walk there~
we also capture jor picture ^_6
go changing room and sneak in to captureXD
scard the workers will scold us~

yeah ^v^

a hui yeah herself^____^
then i capture last time a hui did'nt capture de...wif toys
she take the biggest==^

can't put back the toys...
before the moment,many toys drop~XD
i sucess put it back,hahah~XD
so geng~XD

victory~!sucess liao~XD
then i see this tweetie><
a hui say when she still small,she also like tweetie...
but tweetieis long time ago toys can't find it easily~
i like tweetie also~always love tweetie and pushy cat=)
my home also got the toys~XD gt pushy cat also~cute^____^a hui take the toys because the toys look sad=(
like her^____^

Friday, July 8, 2011

just angry and confuse

TODAY everything is ok ....
but got a things let me almost cry hard~
today gt a dunno wad teacher come in and say
:"if later i enter your class,must see your class is clean,the window muz be clean also,
if nt i will saman youy class==^"
then today is me and a hui sapu the floor~
but gt a MALAY girl take the broom away so just left one~
SYAFIQAH put the broom beside me,so i go sapu~
when i do the work,i see the teacher like scolding a guy that cleaning window.
then she scold our leader say she should nt use feather sweep to swep the window,
should use wet cloth! she scold so loud><
then our leader say:"must use the feather sweep 1st and then use wet cloth mah,
always like this de~"
but this dialog is appear after the teacher go~
(i agree this word,my home also like this de)

then when i sweep she seeing at me...
i got some scard aready but i just sweep my floor~
then she walk in and see me then she ask
:"who call u like this sweep floor?u know how to sweep a not?see!goyang goyang
can sweep?see me how to sweep!"
then i see her sweep..after then she ask me:"now u know!"
i did'nt choi her 1 st time~then she see me u know a not?!
i nod me head later....then she go away....
then gt a malay girl take my broom and help me sweep~
i angry and endure my tears go back my place~
i almost cry some tears come out aready><
she nt talk properly to me,she like scold me!

then i think,how i sweep is my way is my style!
Am i dun sweep the floor become clean?
i always sweep until it clean!
must sweep follow ur style?
this is my style,i like sweep like this,ensure it is clean!
why want like scold me?can't say properly~
i will sweep until it clean then everthing is ok aready,
why u want like this?
our malay teacher say this teacher is good but her mouth nt so good only~
then i am angry until recess time~did'nt talk anything~

a hui, yeeyu and xinru look at me~
i just stand up and go out~did'nt say anything scare will say some bad thing out~
i should be polite~my mom say dun say bad things again<
just try to endure my tears only><
i dun will cry about this things simply simply!
would never cry at school!!!!!!!infront of the teacher i dislike~
wnt laught happily~gek sei them~XDXD
bad leh>?XD

after that de period is ok~i like science teacher,so good teacher~
althought got some boring....
but she is as nice as PN.GENIE~XD
then we salin the nota and do exercise~
when sivik period we chating~xinru sleep liao~like so tired~
today she no need fishing liao can sleep more comfort~XD
then we discus the mettle of all of us~xinru wake up aready cause one reason~
got some funny de~XD
then just the end of school~
also happy ending lah~XD
then want go tuition liao~dunno a hui got go a not~
my travel is full in today and tomorrow><
but PMR still got 88 day only!trial 4 week!must be hardworking,is'nt?
yes!add plant oil more!(recycle)XD

Saturday, July 2, 2011


yesterday my mom go my school take result adi~
our class teacher dunno go where adi,
so our chinese teacher taking her place~
i take handphone go(so bad o)XD
a hui accompany me take~
gt take a few picture and hear song wif using ear phoneA
we discusting after PMR wnt go work~
a hui say wnt buy iphone~XD
i also want buy a phone so~XD
totally we think if we go work and buy wad we want,
is more reality than dreaming after we result out wad will we score~
and the 诺言tat parents did will be done~
so is more reality a bit lah~
then my mother just say my result is ok~
but she take my result and my sis result and compare~
she ask me go back home and compare whats the different~
i know lah~she form 5's average is 62.05~
my one is 63.19~then gt different~
because she is form 5 mah,totally say my average should be tall than her~
so next time i will be more hardworking~

xin ru is the last go back home~
her mom n father say wnt go eat breakfast ~
after that drive her home,so she is the last~
this year gt some different jor,becaause every year i am the last~
always wait and wait n wait~
yesterday also gt join特工队~
wif a hui~
her mom let her in jor^^
seriously say i need some pressure~
(this nt call bian tai)
if dun have any presure i can't do things well~><
and i am lazy too~
i can't control myself go see 黑执事~
go pps see jor 2 episode><
dunno why i really wnt to see~
(i know jor,xinru say some the story of it to me,i start cannot control myself see again~)
so this is my jelly lor~and then i can go do revision~
i feel fortunately i see the last two episode,if not i can't control myself~
after PMR i want see all of it~all the anime i like,all the movie i like,
all the korean programme i like~
so be hardworking!!!!!!^_______^

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


SUNSHINE DARLING monday birthday~
seriously say.....she really take a knife go~XD
(my comb la~my comb is long and so sharp its beck==^)
see...sashi teach bad sunshine jor...XD
almost back home time i rampas jor a hui's bag~and put ins
wheni birthday she also like this de~XDXD
i buy a shirt for her^___^
two layer de~err..look like gt some childist geh~dunno got a not><'''
then xinru give a hui a angry bird hang on phone de~XD
tat got write:"RM9.90"
xinru say so good a this present still can give back RM0.1
then she also receive present from yinkuan and christy~
we so hao qi of it~XDXD
gt a present paper so cute lor!~
cat cat~XD
then last still wnt say
happy birthday~^_______^
and hope u always happy~^________^
i more like u short hair~
。 cute~^^

Friday, June 24, 2011


see that title...~~~aiyo,nt me sick lah~XD
TODAY xin ru nt so comfortable~she say stomachache....
i ask her gt very pain?she say dunno~so not so really care about it~
then after today presentation,she like really pain~
so i take her go toilet....

then when BM period,she say very pain~
then cry.....><'''
i ask her wnt call her mom come?
she say want~then i go down stairs wif yeeyu to call her mom come~
a hui comfort her~~~
the phone o dudududu jor a few second then i hear xinru's mama voice~
the background sound is so loud~

we go recess~because prefect dun let us at class...
go eat something~i'm the last person~canteen dun hav ppl adi~
then szi mun kiding say:"eat slowly~dun choking"
when we back class she say want go toilet i accompony her go~
then when i back to take tisu for her,i see her mom n dad go up stairs!
err...wrong way~call a hui take tisu 4 her~then go wif yeeyu 2chase xinru's parents~
her mom and dad wait outside~gt some nervous~(me lah)
go toilet find xin ru~come out adi~take her to her parent's~
and then she go home adi~
this 4 period dun hav teacher come~so chating~
say jor many things~

tell a hui a strategi to read book:(tell by tuition teacher MR.HEW)
set ur quantity and time 2 read books for a day,
after finish,go do something that u like^^
but what u read muz be understanding by urself~
set ur target~~~if u done ur target,reward ourself~
i think this is a good idea for me(cause lazy read book)XD

then say skirt~how the style~when we wear~XD
last time yow gt say wear white skirt go the cafe will so nice~
i just gt one oni~XD
hor...a hui gt skirt geh...never seen her wear before~==
so pity never see before~XD
i out of blue remember jiahui's cupboard also gt pretty skirt~
also did'nt see before==^
yow also gt many~
also never see it before...==^

then say a hui easy cry~XD
ask yeeyu n a hui:"gt see me cry before?:)"
but i'm nt cold-blooded....
just endurance good oni~
and also hide good oni~
but i easy feel touch~
let me touch, or cry infront of me let me gt very guily feel,
then i will....

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


seriously mood bad~
dunno why lah~suddenly too many works coming~
next week presentation(english),then is seni projeck~then is cooking(ERT)
then this week is singing competition><
too many works to do adi><
the seni projeck is the most big problem><
cooking?dislike lah~cannot choose urself wnt~teacher say this can't that can't><
singing competition that day go leisure mall~
still thinking something~
actually gt a few minute think dun wnt go adi><
gt some annoying~
gt too much wnt to plan<
i hate tuition also same as a hui~
tat day geh tuition is KH/BC~
can dun go i will dun go lahXD
dunno yow gt go a not....
see much need to think~
a hui cannot go><
aiyo,annoying lah><
and TRIAL is comming soon><
is revisioning.....still can't revision properly==^
wnt gao dim SJ 1~~~~SCIENCE also big problem...
i dun want in SENI/KH~~~dun want!muz take 5A more!
cause seni next year will open until 6 class!!!!!!omg~dun want in!
dun care lah~let me think properly 1~and think the way 1~

Saturday, June 18, 2011


today open music box(kuwo) then i see many song==^
nt my one the song~more jor many CN Blue,FT Island,Take,AKB48 n F(X)'s,T-ARA song~
my music box wnt boom adi~so i delete many chinese song~
my sister wnt boom my music box adi><
then play facebook~and put on my headset~songs start~
then suddenly hear:"tell my why why why...dunno wad liao~bye bye bye..."
hahahah....CN Blue-LOVE~friday n a hui sing~XDXD

continue play~and then until FT Island's song-THE ONE~
start with english~at first i really think is english song==^
but nice^_________^
then is TAKE~then out of blue hear a strong music~go see music box~
its f(x)'s song.....-MR.BOOGIE~and then is DANGER~many so pop song~
like the strong music~~~~~~~
then is T-ARA~
also strong music up 1~YAYAYA~
and also sweet song-BEAUTIFUL GIRL~
love it too~

but love snsd the most^^

Monday, June 6, 2011

❤Jia house

4/6 go jor Jia 's house~
when i reach there,yen also there aready~
she is the first who reach there~
we chating to each other~chat and chat~
talk about our life,school....
and..waiting 4 tat shabu bear come lor~
i see dou jor a dog(toys__)tat i give jiahui last two years~wah!cute lor!~
XDXD i take a cute picture for it~so cute gt a big head^_______^
i feel that it's head will become bigger and bigger after i let it reduce it weightXD
then sashimiiiii mummy go to work~~~
and before that shabu reach jor^^
chat and chat...
then we go eat things~eat roti canai~planta~^0^
i and sashimiiiii eat oni~i and yen share ice lemon tea~^_____^
capture jor their picture~

she is thinking~XDXD

she eat finish adi then i capture her~so lengluiiiii^_________^
then we go 99 market buy desert's need de ingredients~
after discus,sashimi n shabu go back home to choose what desert we do~
i and yen waiting.....waiting....
sun is so hot~fortunately,gt air cone~
after buy we walk back home~tempura and me is 路痴==^
we almost dunno how to back home==^
we start doing desert^^
we do the desert by following this book~
shabu measure the ingredients~
tempura make it become everage~
sashimiiiii cook it~what i do?capture them!~
then we go play water~
capture jor many picture^^
sushi n tempura

we all take together^^three by three~

see she so happy smile!~bc i call her:'e~wnt see teeth~'perfect!
tat pail is sashimiii's hat!XDXD
then we take bath~
wash shabu's hair~
then i ready to eat our pudding!
but before that we need to eat something-magie~
taste good!~
then we eat pudding~~~~
err....too sweet!and too much adi we do~
is ok 4 first time^_______^this is me n tempura's work~
also help bt sashimiiii and shabu~~~~XDXD
then we go living room~talking~~~~
i capture dou shabu smile so cute~that white white thing is sashimiiii's home the other dog~

i'm the last go home~chatting wif sashimiiii be4 go home~
its fun~~~~^_______^
but i hope next time we will play together without lossing anyone^^